We are a faith-based support group. All are welcome - patients, survivors, caregivers, family, friends. Each session will start with celebration of Mass and the anointing the sick. Following Mass there will short presentation with an opportunity to ask questions, have a cup of coffee and chat with other members.
To be added to the email list, please send an email to cancersupport@olvparish.org
About the Group
“As a lifelong Catholic, I never dreamed that the compassionate care of people with cancer would claim my heart. At 73 I am still learning my faith is the victory and our hope.”
Joseph Gill, Former Chair, The Catholic Cancer Support Group at Our Lady of Victory
Reasons to attend:
When love, faith, hope & understanding work together, they create an inner peace, leading to the acceptance of who we are, no matter what happens to us. Our faith is our hope. When there is Faith, there is no fear.
“The purpose of any cancer support group is to help people with the diagnosis of cancer deal with the disease with purpose, courage, and hope. Everyone is entitled to hope: for a cure, to live until a specific event happens, to go on living with the disease, to enjoy life, for a peaceful death. How do patients and their families find the strength to deal with the diagnosis? They rely on others for help and guidance and they gather strength to do this from others who have been on the same journey. How does this particular faith-based cancer support group differ from other support groups? It is sacramental and provides grace and spiritual blessing to help the cancer patient cope with the diagnosis of cancer.”
Dr. W. J. Connolly, Former Chief of Staff, Cape Cod Hospital
Help us help others in need of support dealing with the diagnosis of cancer or coping with the loss of a loved one due to cancer. We are a non-profit support group – all donations are gratefully accepted.
The Catholic Cancer Support Group
at Our Lady of Victory Parish
230 South Main Street, Centerville, MA 02632
Please contact the Parish Office at 508.775.5744 or ministries@olvparish.org if you are interested in serving in this ministry.