Participating grocery stores donate 5% of Gift Card purchases directly to the Housing Assistance Corp. helping people avoid homelessness. Participation in this important program has declined over the past several years; down 6% last year and down 30% from the best year while the need for help has increased. Your purchase has tremendous impact and costs you nothing! Grocery Gift Cards are available for these stores: Stop & Shop, Shaw’s, Roche Brothers, Lambert’s, Country Garden, CVS and Dunkin Donuts.
Thank you to those parishioners who purchased gift cards and our volunteers for selling them after all Masses. Here are some examples of how HAC has recently been able to help those in need because of your purchase:
HAC helped a 60 year old woman relocate from the NOAH Shelter to a rental she can afford with her social security check.
HAC helped with rent for housing for a couple in their 40’s who both became ill and lost their home to foreclosure.
HAC helped a plasterer in his 50’s with rent as his work has been cut back
HAC helped a man with a security deposit enabling him to move into an apartment from the Noah Shelter.
Please join your fellow parishioners and buy grocery gift cards (with cash or check) after Mass to support our community.
Please call the Parish Office at 508.775.5744 if you are interested in serving in this ministry, or send an email to