The term Liturgical Ministers applies to two related, but distinct, ministries:
Lector (Minister of the Word) and Eucharistic Minister.
These ministries afford a wonderful opportunity to the lay faithful to participate in the Sacrifice of the Mass. During the first part of the Mass, the Liturgy of the Word, Lectors proclaim the Scriptural readings of the day. In the second part of the Mass, the Liturgy of the Eucharist, the Eucharistic Ministers assist the priests and deacons with the distribution of Holy Communion under both species, in the host and from the Cup.
Well over 100 parishioners (OLV and OLH) presently offer their time, talent and service in these ministries at Mass, which has been called the "the source and summit of the Christian life." (Catechism, Vatican II).
There are also other ministries which support our liturgies, such as Sacristans, Ushers, and Wedding Coordinators. Please take a moment to review these ministries to see how you can share your gifts and talents with our Family of Faith.