Our Lady of Victory
Monday through Thursday, Saturday: 9AM
Saturday: 4:30PM
Sunday: 7AM, 9AM, 11AM, 5:30PM
Our Lady of Hope Chapel
Sunday: 10AM
You can still join us on our Livestream!
9AM to 2PM Daily
If you are ill, we ask that you pray with us at home.
Please continue to utilize hand sanitizer.Ministry and Event News
Please visit our bulletin for the most recent news and events >>
Dementia-Friendly Parish: Spiritual Memory Support Group
If you or someone you care about is experiencing memory issues, please come to our Spiritual Memory Support Group We pray, sing, share and support each other!
Please join us - you are not alone. We meet the second Tuesday of each month, after the 9:00am Mass. FMI, call Pat 774-487-0076.
Working to Becoming Saints: Men’s Spirituality Group
Working to become Saints is the theme for the Men's Spirituality group. Our goal will be to try and perfect the definition of love defined by St. Thomas Aquinas: "willing the good of the other."
Our new group will begin with two topics. We will be reading a book a month and having discussion on it at the following meeting. The first author we will examine is C.S. Lewis starting with his most famous Christian apologetic work: "Mere Christianity."
We will also be watching Bishop Robert Barron's series: Mystery of God. Books and workbook materials will be provided at the first class.
I want to invite the men of Our Lady of Victory and Our Lady of Assumption parishes to join us for prayer, discussion, brotherhood, and hopefully a step closer towards sainthood.
Our group meets the first Monday of each month September through May at 6PM in room M1 at OLV.
Please feel free to email me at telukac@comcast.net or phoning and leaving a message:
774-487-7438. Or you can just walk in any month as all are welcome.
Past members, please note the NEW start time.