**There is not an active RENEW ministry at this time. If you are interesting in coordinating RENEW, please contact the Parish Office**
Renew is a dynamic means to increase our faith and enliven our parish.
How does it work: Renew starts by creating Small Christian Communities (SCC) within our parish. An SCC is made up of eight to twelve parishioners who meet once a week for a period of six weeks; once in the fall and once in the spring. A typical meeting lasts 90 minutes during which time the members share their faith experiences. Each six-week "season" has a theme and materials are provided to facilitate the sharing. Our Lady of Victory Parish has been a part of the Renew process for 3 years and currently has 12 communities.
What goes on in an SCC meeting: Each season has its own theme which is outlined in booklets given to each participant. The theme is developed over the six-week period with sharing on each topic. While scripture is included, the goal is not to study it but to share on what it means to each of us. And each SCC is encouraged to grow socially and to spend time getting to know each other. This might include coffee after the meeting and an occasional cookout. Our parish also hosts several Renew get-togethers during the year for the entire community.
What does Renew hope to achieve: While our gathering for Mass each week is central to our Catholic tradition, there is an opportunity to go beyond this and deepen our connection to one another. Before Jesus instituted the sacraments, he formed a community. He spent time in conversations, eating meals, taking trips, and reading scripture. Community is essential to a healthy, vibrant faith. The Renew Communities at Our Lady of Victory Parish have participated in programs to feed the homeless, visit prisons, provide monthly luncheons for seniors, and many other ministries.
When does it begin: Usually two months before the start of the season, announcements will appear in the church bulletin providing details. Often there is a special liturgy to start the season. Parishioners interested in participating are asked to complete a registration card so that we know the best day and time to meet.